Winter Mentorship Program
Congratulation on the successful holding of the Fall Mentorship Program, and we are now proudly to announce the official start of the Winter Mentorship Program. The application period for being a Mentor or a Mentee is from February 15 to February 25, and we are open...
第二期Mentorship Program良师益友项目招募启动
在圆满结束第一期Mentorship Program后,CINEC校友会现在已经正式启动第二期Mentorship Program良师益友项目的招募!新一期mentor和mentee的招募时间从2月15日持续到2月25日。本次活动依然是面向CINEC旗下四所BC高中(嘉兴高级中学、温州第22中学、上海卢湾高级中学、上海民办南模中学)的同学。 ...
经过CINEC Network执行委员会的初轮筛选与为期几周的公众投票,本次中秋手机摄影的三强最终出炉!恭喜来自阿尔伯塔大学的孙凡茜Fancy与其作品“月球上空气好不好,别问兔子,问我”荣获冠军! 同时,也祝贺来自嘉兴高级中学中加班的杨亦洁Cindy与徐祯Manna分别荣获本次比赛的二、三名! 杨亦洁 Cindy作品 “The moon in the hometown is the brightest” 徐祯 Manna作品 “City Lights”在此,CINEC...
Our Alumni Association has formally established four major Canadian colleges and continents/regional WeChat groups!
With the efforts of our CINEC Education Group and the Executive Committee of the Alumni Association, and with the support of the alumni of various universities, our Alumni Association has formally established four major Canadian colleges and continents/regional WeChat...
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