Becoming a Mentee

Becoming a Mentee

Mentoring is a kind of learning promotion with the goal of long-term growth, which is based on the common goals, expectations, trust and respect of the mentor and the mentee. Mentoring includes the exchange and dissemination of knowledge, skills, and experience. Both...
校友会第一期Mentorship Program故事分享——Mentee篇

校友会第一期Mentorship Program故事分享——Mentee篇

Mentee故事分享 很开心这次能作为mentee参与,在这次的mentorship program中,我和我的mentor Yiwen有了一段很愉快的交流和学习的过程。 由于我们两个在不同的国家 (我在中国,Yiwen在加拿大), 所以这三个月中我们都是视频会议沟通。 还记得第一次zoom meeting的时候,我和Yiwen都还有些许尴尬,之后却通过这个项目成为了很好的朋友且保持了联系。在第一次的会议中,我们确定了我们之后想做的方向——像朋友一样聊聊天,一起学习。...
校友会第一期Mentorship Program故事分享——Mentee篇

Mentees Story Sharing #1

I was excited to become a mentee and join the mentorship program. I had a wonderful experience through talking with my mentor Yiwen and learning from her in the entire program. Since we were in the different countries (China and Canada), we communicated with each...
Winter Mentorship Program

Winter Mentorship Program

Congratulation on the successful holding of the Fall Mentorship Program, and we are now proudly to announce the official start of the Winter Mentorship Program. The application period for being a Mentor or a Mentee is from February 15 to February 25, and we are open...
Winter Mentorship Program

第二期Mentorship Program良师益友项目招募启动 

在圆满结束第一期Mentorship Program后,CINEC校友会现在已经正式启动第二期Mentorship Program良师益友项目的招募!新一期mentor和mentee的招募时间从2月15日持续到2月25日。本次活动依然是面向CINEC旗下四所BC高中(嘉兴高级中学、温州第22中学、上海卢湾高级中学、上海民办南模中学)的同学。 ...