

经过CINEC Network执行委员会的初轮筛选与为期几周的公众投票,本次中秋手机摄影的三强最终出炉!恭喜来自阿尔伯塔大学的孙凡茜Fancy与其作品“月球上空气好不好,别问兔子,问我”荣获冠军! 同时,也祝贺来自嘉兴高级中学中加班的杨亦洁Cindy与徐祯Manna分别荣获本次比赛的二、三名! 杨亦洁 Cindy作品 “The moon in the hometown is the brightest” 徐祯 Manna作品 “City Lights”在此,CINEC...
Our Alumni Association has formally established four major Canadian colleges and continents/regional WeChat groups!


在我们CINEC教育集团与校友会执行委员会的共同努力,以及身处各大院校校友的支持下,CINEC Network校友会正式成立世界范围内五大区域群和加拿大四所大学群。 在此之前,CINEC校友会已经成立了“CINEC校友会”总群,短短几个月时间内已经吸引了超300多名毕业于CINEC旗下四所BC课程高中(嘉兴高级中学,温州第22中学,上海卢湾高级中学,上海民办南模中学),目前正在世界范围内各个大学就读,各个领域工作的优秀校友们加入! 设立区域群和大学群的初衷在于:...
We Officially Rang Down the Curtain for Our First Event!

We Officially Rang Down the Curtain for Our First Event!

As completing the last stop of our seminar at Nanmo on May 26th, CINEC Network Committee has officially rang down the curtain for their first event. During the past month, we have invited many of our CINEC BCOS alumni to return to their alma mater, answering questions...
Let’s Meet CINEC Alumni Network’s Co-President – Stark Li

Let’s Meet CINEC Alumni Network’s Co-President – Stark Li

To study in one of the “Ivy League” schools is the dream of many Chinese students. But in reality, only a handful of them can actually get to the institutions of their dreams. Guess what, one of the Co-President of our CINEC Network Alumni Association happened to be...